Inspirational Quotes

Mission Statement

"To be my authentic self without apology or regret; while living the very best life possible"


Refuse to Forfeit Your Destiny

Refuse to Forfeit Your Destiny
'Refuse to settle for a cheer-leader role when you're destined for MVP status'. by Paulette P. Stubbs ‪#‎KickItUpANotch‬


Is Your Relationship helpful or hurtful?

Is Your Relationship helpful or hurtful?
'When the dynamics of a relationship crosses over from helpful to hurtful, its time to move on'. by Paulette P. Stubbs


Quote of the Month 3 - Don't Just PRAY!

Quote of the Month 3 - Don't Just PRAY!
“Don‟t just pray. Pray and then get up and get busy. And stay busy when no one else is busy. Be willing to do what you have to do to get what you have to get.” - -Lisa Nichols


Quote of the Month 2

Quote of the Month 2
"To the questions of your life, you are the answer. To the problems of your life, you are the solution." - Jo Coudert


Quote of the Month - 1

Quote of the Month - 1
"You are the first demonstration of how the world gets to treat you, and it's your job to give them the best example possible" - Lisa Nichols


Avoid Self-Sabatoge

Avoid Self-Sabatoge
 "..know when to break off a no-win relationship, or how not to get involved in the first place" -Dr.Laura Schlessinger,  10 Stupid Things Women/Men Do To Mess Up Their Lives'


Keep Moving Forward

Keep Moving Forward
4. "Looking back is death" -Bishop Kirkwood R. Murphy, Pastor-Temple Fellowship Ministries


Make Positive Changes

Make Positive Changes
"What you continue to tolerate will never change" -Dr. Mike Murdock


Stand Strong In The Face of Fear!

Stand Strong In The Face of Fear!
 “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
